[Zconfig] Modify, write to file, convert to/from dict your
ZConfig objects
Chris McDonough
chrism at plope.com
Mon Mar 7 20:22:46 EST 2005
I haven't yet used this, but it's definitely something I've wanted in
the abstract (in order to programmatically change ZConfig files)! I'm
glad it's out there.
- C
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 17:43, Nicola Larosa wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> After last december's first try, here I am, at it again. :-)
> There are a number of use cases where the config values have to be
> modified, and the resulting config has to be saved to file. In addition,
> it is sometimes convenient to convert the hierarchy of objects
> representing the config, to and from a hierarchy of nested dictionaries.
> (For instance, it is useful when sending configs over Twisted's
> Perspective Broker remote call protocol, which has rather stringent
> security checks about what object types may be transferred over it.)
> This extension implements such functionality by adding, at runtime, five
> methods, one function and one class to the imported ZConfig modules and
> classes, avoiding changes to the ZConfig source code. Just do an "import
> zcfg_addon" right after "import ZConfig", and you're all set.
> It has been used on several systems for a few weeks now, and a few
> wrinkles have been ironed out. There's a minimal test for each method or
> function, and Epydoc-generated API docs for most things.
> I would like to know whether anybody finds this useful, or has any idea
> on how to make it better. I put it under a MIT license, and it goes
> without saying that I would be very pleased if it would be considered for
> inclusion in ZConfig, in any shape of form, part or whole.
> I attach the archive to this email, Mailman will intercept it, just
> rename it back to zcfg_addon-0.2.tar.gz and it will work just fine.
> - --
> Nicola Larosa - nico at tekNico.net
> Somebody has to go first, and be willing to accept the consequences.
> To dream the impossible dream, because it's only impossible so long
> as everybody still thinks they're the only one who has that dream.
> -- Phillip J. Eby, dirtSimple.org, January 2005
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> iD8DBQFCLNkgXv0hgDImBm4RAmhzAJ9sz6Giz17fHW5koQNF+S8ky2XYWACgrqxE
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> =B/Ni
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