[Zconfig] SVN: ZConfig/trunk/NEWS.txt fix typo

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 19:47:48 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 85626:
  fix typo

  U   ZConfig/trunk/NEWS.txt

Modified: ZConfig/trunk/NEWS.txt
--- ZConfig/trunk/NEWS.txt	2008-04-22 23:47:00 UTC (rev 85625)
+++ ZConfig/trunk/NEWS.txt	2008-04-22 23:47:47 UTC (rev 85626)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
   *A note on the version number:*
   Information discovered in the revision control system suggests that
-  some past revision has been called "2.4", though it is not clear than
+  some past revision has been called "2.4", though it is not clear that
   any actual release was made with that version number.  We're going to
   skip revision 2.4 entirely to avoid potential issues with anyone using
   something claiming to be ZConfig 2.4, and go straight to version 2.5.

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