[ZDP] reality check... painting yourself in a corner...

Jim Salmons salmons@sohodojo.com
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 17:05:27 -0500


	You have identified the biggest obstacle to collaboration in your note.
Using Framemaker to create documents in today's world is like saying, 'We
use patented quills and parchment to write our documents.'

	Do DC and the ZOPE community a favor and ABANDON Framemaker with ALL DUE
HASTE. You DO NOT need it to do credible, portable documents.

	Time was when desktop publishing tools were a God-send. Now DTP has given
way to collaborative, low-tech, high-fidelity, open standards that make
Framemaker irrelevant.

	Hang in there Rik... it'll all work out, sooner or later.

	Speaking of provocation... check out this rant about what's wrong with Open
Source software: http://sohodojo.com/forums/Forum4/HTML/000005.html.

	Contrarian by nature,

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
   JFS Consulting, a North Carolina nanocorp
   Our web businesses

-----Original Message-----
From: zdp-admin@zope.org [mailto:zdp-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
Christopher Petrilli
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 4:36 PM
To: Rik Hoekstra; zope@zope.org; zdp@zope.org
Subject: Re: [ZDP] Re: [Zope] reality check

On 12/10/99 3:26 PM, Rik Hoekstra at hoekstra@fsw.leidenuniv.nl wrote:

> Moreover, there still is no real policy of DC towards the ZDP
> documentation. We asked for that repeatedly on the list. For want of
> a reply, the ZDP group assumed we would have to write everything
> ourselves as if there were no documentation effort by DC. Do we have
> to conclude from this that documentation is not their agenda?

I'll let Paul, Amos and Pam talk more specifically, but I think part of it
is that we have very different tool sets from everyone else---we use
Framemaker.  So we're working to try and fix that process so that we can
open up documentation to be more collaborative.  We could put the Frame
documents out there, but how many people have Frame? I thought so.

And from the amount that Paul/Amos talk about the ZDP, I am suspect that
you've never gotten a single response, etc.  If so, then there's something

| Christopher Petrilli        Python Powered        Digital Creations, Inc.
| petrilli@digicool.com                             http://www.digicool.com

ZDP maillist  -  ZDP@zope.org