[ZDP] Letters from publishers
Rik Hoekstra
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 23:02:01 +0100
Send reply to: "Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be>
From: "Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be>
To: <zdp@zope.org>
Subject: [ZDP] Letters from publishers
Date sent: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 19:57:45 +0100
> Below you'll find the response of the publishers to our letter :
> Let us know what you think
I liked both replies. Laurie's seems to be a bit more articulated,
while Jim's appeared to me a bit more understanding. The next
question is whether we can meet their requirements, however lenient
they may be. While this is not easy to answer, it _is_ something we
must answer as ZDP for ourselves. I for me find this an interesting
experiment in writing/editing/collaboration, but also a very insecure
They both seem to want leadership. Can we provide it? Can we provide
deadlines - do we want to? Can we guarantee anything like continuity?
Taking this one step further: How will we provide consistency beyond
a common goal: our writings seem to be of varying degrees and tones.
What _is_ the goal of ZBook anyway: a general introduction to Zope?
Aimed at what audience? Beginners, advanced users, how advanced?
Moreover, the content of the ZCL is a moving target, changing over
time. We already have pieces that do not fit in (my own changing
contexts piece for example). How do we determine what goes in and
what goes out?
Hmm, it must be the millennium that gets me philosophical. On the
other hand, I have done quite some collaborative writing before in
different settings, and I can assure you they were no easy
A good beginning of a new millennium to all