[ZDP] Edited version of Principia Draft FAQ

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 10:21:40 +0100

* What is a Principia Draft?

    A Principia Draft is a special copy of any Zope object, that is
    invisible to visitors of your site. You can make changes to this copy,
    and grant access to outsiders to view your changes (or work along with
    you). When all changes are done, you can approve all the changes, or
    discard them. Approving will make the changes permanent and visible to
    your audience. However, currently Drafts can appear to be broken.

    To add a draft, choose Principia Draft from the popup menu and click
    'Add'. Next, you will have to supply an ID for the Draft, and specify on
    what base object you are going to work. Clicking 'Add' in this screen
    will create the Draft for you. Next, you will have to specify who will
    have access to the Draft.

    Here the problem starts, because of the way Drafts are managed. First, a
    Draft doesn't acquire any users from it's parent, so you will have to
    add anyone who has to have access explicitly, even if they have already
    been access to a parent Folder. But the biggest problem is that you
    can't reach the UserFolder and Approval screens via the management
    screens. This will make a Draft a bit harder to use, but it still is

    This second problem is caused by convention changes in the Folder object
    (or the ObjectManager class really, used by Folder). I think that Folder
    objects *used* to call 'title_and_id' on a object when displaying it in
    it's management screen, but the current release of Zope constructs the
    id and title of an object by using its id and title separately.
    Principia Drafts made use of the call to 'title_and_id' to insert links
    to its UserFolder and Approval management screens. As this now doesn't
    happen anymore, you will have to type in the URLs to the screens

    You can reach the screens calling the Draft object's
    users__draft__.manage_main and 'manage_approve__draft__' methods. The
    URLS are::




    So, the next step is typing in the URL to the Draft's UserFolder
    management screen, and adding all users that should have access to the
    Draft. These users can now edit and view all changes made to this Draft.

    When done, you go to the manage_approve__draft__ management screen, and
    approve, or discard the changes.

M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
| Tel: +31-35-6254545 Fax: +31-35-6254555
| mailto:mj@antraciet.nl http://www.antraciet.nl/~mj
| PGP: http://wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA8A32149