[ZDP] FAQ 0.2 - DTML
Martijn Faassen
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 19:34:37 +0100
Zope FAQ 0.2 - DTML
* In a DTML expression, how do I access variable names with a '-' in
them? (such as 'sequence-item')
Any variable name (including those with '-') can be accessed in
the '_' namespace. This contains a dictionary of all variables in
the default namespace. To access 'sequence-item' you therefore use::
Another possibly is to use '_.getitem()', like this::
The difference is that the first renders 'sequence-item' through
DTML, whereas 'getitem()' does not; it returns the raw value of
* How do I call an external method from DTML?
<!--#var "external_method_name(arguments)"-->
to call any External Method in the folder (or acquired by the
folder). The more explicit alternative is::
<!--#var expr="external_method_name(arguments)"-->
The rule is that anything between double quotes in the first
argument of the #var tag is interpreted as an expression
attribute; a first argument without quotes is interpreted as a
name attribute.
* How do I define a variable for use in a document?
Set it in REQUEST::
<!--#call "REQUEST.set('varname', value)"-->
* How do I pass a non-form variable to the next requested URL?
Use 'hidden' fields within the form::
<input type="hidden" name="varname" value="<!--#var varname-->">
* How can I show all form data/cookies/REQUEST vars without knowing
By using the #in tag, you can easily all show all data in any
dictionary object, like 'REQUEST.form', 'REQUEST.cookies' and even
'REQUEST' itself. Just call the 'items()' method of the
dictionary, and the #in tag will provide a 'sequence-key' and
'sequence-item' variable for every item in the dictionary.
Show showing all form data can be done like this::
<!--#in "REQUEST.form.items()" sort-->
<!--#var sequence-key-->:<!--#var sequence-item--><BR>
Use 'REQUEST.cookies.items()' for all your cookies, and
'REQUEST.items()' for all 'REQUEST' variables, including CGI
Environment variables.
If you don't mind the format, you could use '<PRE><!--#var
REQUEST--></PRE>' as a shortcut.
* How do I tell the tree tag to show only Folders?
By using the objectValues function in the branches_expr attribute
of the tree tag. The objectValues function of a folder returns all
objects contained by that folder.
You can however, specify a list of object metatypes that it should
return. objectValues(['DTML Document']) will only return all DTML
Document objects in a Folder. Other metatypes you could select on
are: Folder, DTML Method, File, Image, Mail Host, User Folder and
Session. This is not a complete list, as Products can and will
define their own metatypes. If you want to show more types, just
add them to the list, like objValues(['Image', 'File']).
Example of a Folder tree (with links to them)::
<!--#tree branches_expr="objectValues(['Folder'])"-->
<A HREF="<!--#var URL1-->/<!--#var id-->">
<!--#var title_or_id-->
* How can I collapse or expand a tree using a URL?
The tree tag will show a tree fully expanded when the 'expand_all'
variable is present in its namespace. So when a URL, showing a
tree, is called with ?expand_all=1, the tree tag will expand all
it's branches. Collapsing can be achieved with collapse_all.
The following example shows a tree with collapse and expand
<A HREF="<!--#var URL0-->?expand_all=1">
Expand all</A>|
<A HREF="<!--#var URL0-->?collapse_all=1">
Collapse all</A>
<!--#tree--><!--#var id--><!--#/tree-->
* How can I limit a tree to showing only *one* branch at a time?
Use the 'single' attribute for your tree, like in::
<!--#tree single--><!--#var id--><!--#/tree-->