[ZDP] FAQ 0.2 - External Methods
Martijn Faassen
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 19:36:30 +0100
Zope FAQ 0.2 - External Methods
* How can an External Method refer to the objects in the Zope app?
Use an External Method that gets passed 'self'. 'self' is your
hook into Zope world. From 'self' you should be able to get
anywhere you'd like to go.
'self' is the folder in which the external method is
called. External Methods are methods of Folders. Since External
Methods are acquired, self is not always the same Folder in which
the method is defined--it may be a child Folder.
* Is there any way for External Methods to access files on the
filesystem of the server?
An External Method can access anything on the server computer that
the Zope process has access to. Therefore, an External Method can
do just about anything a Python program can do. This is both a
power and a liability.
* Can I restrict what an External Method can do? Is there somekind of
sandbox environment for External Methods?
Right now there is no sandbox execution environment for External
Methods. An External Method has access to everything that the Zope
process has access to. This is one of the reasons why External
Methods are required to be defined in the Extensions
directory--it's easier to keep an eye on them there.
* How do I return an image from an External Method?
Example (for a png image)::
def foo(self, RESPONSE):
# set the header
RESPONSE['content-type'] = 'image/png'
# return the actual image data
return mkimage()
Another way to set the header information is::
* How do I add a Folder in an External Method?
If you want the folder created within the Folder from which you
call the External Method, use 'self' as the first argument ('self'
should be passed automatically, though sometimes there are subtle
difficulties about which we should have more FAQs [FIXME]).
This External Method adds a folder to 'self'::
def myAddFolder(self, id, title):
self.manage_addFolder(id, title)
You can then call this External Method from a DTML Document or
DTML Method. [FIXME: will this work with DTML Documents too? Isn't
'self' the non-folderish Document in that case?] For instance::
<!--#call "myAddFolder('some_id', 'some_title')" -->
* How can I get access to the Folder I just added inside an External
If you just created the Folder in the External Method, you can
retrieve the new Folder object by doing using 'getattr'::
newFolderObj = getattr(self, newFolderId)
If 'newFolderName' is not a variable but hardcoded in your
External Method, by doing for instance::
self.manage_addFolder('hardcoded_id', someFolderTitle)
then you can simply do this::
newFolderObject = self.hardcoded_id
* How do I add a Document or Property to a Folder inside an External
To add a Document to a Folder (referred to by 'folderObj')::
folderObj.manage_addDocument(id, title, content)
To add a Property to folderObj::
folderObj.manage_addProperty(id, value, type)
Where 'value' is the value of the property, and 'type' is a string
that describes the type of the value. For a list of possible types
you can look at the select box in Zope's add properties form. More
details on what property types you can find in the Object
Reference of the Zope Manager's Guide.
The Zope builtin help (under the 'help' tab in the Zope management
screen) documents a lot of other 'manage_' methods that you can
call on Folder objects and other Zope products.