[ZDP] missed tags in FAQ/dtml
Martijn Pieters
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:58:17 +0100
At 11:20 26/03/99 , Tony McDonald wrote:
>Really minor points, but the page:
>has a few DTML instructions that need converting to < ... >
>sequences before they show up on the screen (specifically
><p> DTML statements or <em>tags</em> look like HTML comments
>(which look like
> <code><!-- comment goes here --></code>). A commonly used DTML
>tag is called
> <code>#var</code>. It can be used in many powerful ways, but its
>simplest use
> is to simply replace itself with information found elsewhere in
> Zope. If you have a DTML document that contains:</p>
>should be
><p> DTML statements or <em>tags</em> look like HTML comments
>(which look like
> <code><!-- comment goes here --></code>). A commonly used
>DTML tag is called
> <code>#var</code>. It can be used in many powerful ways, but its
>simplest use
> is to simply replace itself with information found elsewhere in
> Zope. If you have a DTML document that contains:</p>
><p> If you don't mind the format, you could use <code><PRE><!--#var
> REQUEST--></PRE></code> as a shortcut.</p>
Hmm... this is either a bug or a feature of Structured Text... We thought
that text in quotes was handled the same way as a subparagraph preceded by
a double colon (::). Obviously, it's not.
>ps how do you contribute FAQ entries, the XML way (which I thought
>was way cool!) or using StructuredText?
For now, sending them to the ZDP is still the only official way. Pavlos,
Martijn Faassen and I are working on new ways. The XML way will probably be
part of that way.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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