[ZDP] Article Submission/Display

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 08:58:51 +1000


People who has confirmed on writing :

Me (Python sub-tree)
Kamon (Installation issues with NT/IIS)

Martijn Faassen has declared his intention to write something about Zope
internal stuff.

Jeff Holland has confirmed to help in copy edit the writing drafts, etc,
(that includes Grammar checking, clarity, spell checking, etc --in house
bitcher :)

Still a short list.


> Ha, yes, saw that, but I don't fully understand the meaning of this ZDP
> member. From what I've read and think I imaging that this member is for the
> following :
> Until the ZDP-tool is created and until the ZDP site is upgraded we'll use
> the ZDP member.
> The ZDP member will contain an inventory, status of all the ZDP workers.
> The ZDP member will be very, very rudimentary...
> Correct??

Yes..We can't wait until the 'tool' - whatever that is - to be ready
before we start working on the content. 
And really, we would'nt know what we need before we actually work on it

> But, still, I've some q'ns... :
> Is there already something in the 'ZDP-member', cause I can't find
> anything... or am I overlooking something

It's protected by secret password..nah..nothing in the in the moment..

> Who's working on the 'ZDP-tool'?
Nobody that I know of..Martijn probably know about this.
