Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 18:26:18 +0200

Mmmm, I'm still not really back online with ZDP (and let forget Zope at
this moment... I wonder if I ever can backen up these 3 weeks of vacation).

Can somebody give answers to these questions? yes/no is sufficient,
although some more words if needed are appriciated.

1. Nobody is working on the ZDP site (tool, layout, program), like we
talked of 3-4 weeks ago? See also link one of my previous messages.

2. Stephan Richter (the person who was pumping fresh air into ZDP) vanished?

3. ZDP is now, not a FAQ, How-To,... collector anymore?

4. ZDP is now totally ZBook (& ZCL)?

5. ZDP needs someone who makes a page with the progress of ZBook? You ask me?

5b. The ZCL has to be published where?   

6. Active members  are :

 Dody Gunawinata (Python)
 Kamon (Installation issues with NT/IIS)
 Martijn Faassen (Zope internal stuff)
 Jeff Holland (Editor of drafts)

 Not very active members due loads of work :

 Tom Deprez :-(

7. So we're back working like the old way (beginnings of ZBook)?
  -> someone writes a part and publishes it to the mailing list
  -> others give corrections & additions

8. How are the new articles going to be published?

Regards, Tom