Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 22:53:10 +0200


This is almost the process I described on ZDP (see one of my previous
links). ie. how ZDP eventually should look like.
Only this is not that automated :-))

So, I like this idea (correction in red (or green, or blue)...) etc.

Regards, Tom
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Holland <jholland@paradigm-healthcare.com>
To: Dody Gunawinata <dody_g@eles.com>; <zdp@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: [ZDP] ZDP

> Here's how I would like to work.  Tell me if this jives with the proj.
> -Drafts in plain HTML, can translate to DHTML later
>     correction by paragraph
>     Original text in black
>     My suggestion in red
>     Comments, arguments in green
> -I email page back to author, or post to site-- don't mind using my zope
> member site
> -They review with their comments, repeat
> Alternately, I can be draconian and just edit without the author's input.
> don't like to do this, but it does speed up the project.
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