[ZDP] Article Submission/Display

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 12:06:17 +0200

At 18:06 06/10/99 , Simon Michael wrote:
>Martijn Pieters writes: <concerns about security>
>I hear you Martijn. IMHO it's more important to make contributions a
>no-brainer, than to defend against vandals, at this point.
>For example: I've just signed up at zope.org; I find out about ZDP; I
>want to make a small contribution. Extend a chapter, upload a status
>document or whatever. It seems I need to get another account on a
>separate site. How ? Hmm, must search mailing list.. wait for
>approval.. Hmm, instead why not publish a howto or tip with my
>existing account and raise my standing with the entire zope
>community ? Yeah..
>Perhaps I overstate the case. Just 2 cents worth.

I cannot agree more. But we do not have the tools for this now, and I do 
not have any time right now to do this. I have three Zope projects to build 
here, more in the pipeline, and two products for Zope to finish and package.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
| Tel: +31-35-7502100 Fax: +31-35-7502111
| mailto:mj@antraciet.nl http://www.antraciet.nl/~mj
| PGP: http://wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA8A32149