[ZDP] We are getting famous :)

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:09:59 +1000



Btw, I must delay Draft 3 of Python as I found a couple of sidetopics I
need to put in the article before I get it for another 'review' round.
. Btw, Amos has done XML-RPC how-tos,
http://www.zope.org/Members/Amos/XML-RPC, so I won't be doing that for
my next stuff.

This is a comparison between Zope and SiteServer. Zope is getting big.
This is one interesting . You can read the full review 
here : http://sharon.iqgroup.com/zopevssiteserver.html

MS Site Server ships with voluminous documentation, serving every party,
from the novice installer to the experienced developer.  Innumerable
Microsoft-authored whitepapers and case studies and step-by-step
tutorials exist for creating Intranet sites with Site Server. 
Additionally, the core technologies which comprise Site Server (NT, IIS,
SQL Server, MTS, ASP, VBScript, JScript, et. al.) are likewise
exhaustively documented through Microsoft's "TechNet Online" website and
other 3rd-party sources.  All of this documentation is generally
high-quality.  Additionally, MS-sponsored Usenet newsgroups exist in
which users of the product exchange tips and field knowledge. 

Zope documentation is sketchy at best.  The zope.org website maintains
"guides" which provide baseline information about Zope's most salient
features, but even a novice developer will quickly find that these
guides do not suffice for day-to-day development needs.  "Grassroots"
efforts have sprung up to provide documentation where Zope is lacking,
such as the "Zope Documentation Project" which has in its sights a "Zope
Book." Though Digital Creations, Zope's publisher, maintains an
excellent mailing list on which its engineering employees play a
tremendous role, the lack of clearly written documentation for Zope's
more advanced features is an Achilles' heel which is often voiced by
newcomers to Zope development.

Winner:  MS Site Server

Btw, can anyone 'recruit' new writers ? Simon ? 
How ? Post a message to Zope@zope.org and tell them about ZDp and ZCL, a
brief description should suffice. And off course you'd have to be
'there' to answer questions.
