[ZDP] Writers

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:09:56 +1000

Stephan Richter wrote:
> Please guys, do not forget that the Open Source Writers group is willing to
> help with any documentation we write as long as it is in GPL format.

I don't have anything against GPL format or any other license. So if
they are willing to help, all the way, do it.
However, are they a Zope user ?

I don't know if anyone can write a documentation about a product without
actually using it. That's all. We are not writing a love story here :)



> Martjin (Faassen) do you still have the address? It should not be hard to find
> out. I think it is in my news section somewhere. Didn't you also check in which
> format we wanted to write all the documentation in?
> Sorry that I am staying so much in the background and cannot help you guys, but
> got to me, sooo....
> cheers,
> stephan
>  --
> Stephan Richter
> iXL - Software Designer and Engineer
> CBU - Physics, Computer Science and Chemistry Student
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