[ZDP] ZDP - fancy

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 15:34:02 +0200

>Hang on there..what's the difference between ZHow-To, ZTutorial and
>ZBook ?
>The response should be more than "the name is different" :)
>Just be careful there for not spreading 'our resources' to thinly. We
>might not get anything finished at all.

There is a slight different approach in these, once the ZDP-tool is created
(and I hope someday it will, unfortunately not by me, because I don't know
anything about Python and Zope2 is still somewhat strange for me - my
work-load is moved to another language at the moment)

I you look at http://zdp.zope.org/FolderTom , and read the 2 topics, you'll
see what we mean with this. They are almost the same, but slightly
difference. ZBook, will be -at the end- a nice book which can be printed,
put in pdf-style, etc...

ZHow-To - will be small papers (stand-alone) 
ZFAQ - will be a (possible) live discussion thread 

With new revisions of ZBook, some of these topics above, can/could/will be
included in ZBook.

ZTutorial - will be really animated tutorials, but I think, will be the
last thing be made at ZDP.

Regards, Tom