[ZDP] organisation of ZDP
Patrick Phalen
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:16:50 -0700
[Rik Hoekstra, on Mon, 25 Oct 1999]:
:: Though I follow the ZDP list I completely lost track of what
:: (exactly) is happening and which way the ZDP is heading (to a ZBook
:: that's all I know). Is someone maintaining a status page? A few
:: questions:
:: - What is needed most, who is doing what. Which topics badly need
:: coverage, which ones are covered?
:: - In the past, there has been some talk about a styleguide. Is there
:: something like that already? If not, is there going to be one?
:: - Is there some sort of master plan and a master editor?
I think it would be beneficial if someone on the ZDP list who does
keep track of developments sent a weekly summary report of progress and
needs to the main Zope list -- sort of a report from the documentation
front. This could be in the style of Zope Weekly News and PythonURL.
That way, new people might see a way to plug into the process,
subscribe to the ZDP list, and get involved in small, but meaningful