[ZDP] FYI: Documentation Futures

David Kankiewicz kankie@thegrid.net
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:28:52 -0700

Amos Latteier wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm writing to let you know some of the things we're considering at DC
> in terms of future documentation directions.
> It is clear that DC is so far unable to keep up with the documentation
> needs of the Zope community all by ourselves. The ZDP is a prime example
> of how the Zope community has stepped up to address its own needs.
> At DC, we're impressed by the ZDP and are considering opening some or
> all of our current documentation (Zope Guides) up to the ZDP.

I've been waiting for this/wondering when you would get around to it.
> Our general questions are:
>   * Does this seem like a good general direction?
yes, along those lines, how about setting up some type of new
developments and new methods listing for writers and maintainers to look
through and indicate documentation status. They'll never update if they
don't know about a new method or feature.

>   * How do/don't the ZBook and ZQR projects fit into this project?

speaking of the ZQR, can the developers go through it and give some
feedback, I'm lost to what should be added or removed? What should I
focus on? (anything with a ??? needs details I don't know or haven't had
time do dig up.)  I'll work on a nice PDF document as soon as I get the
above feedback.

The other responses covered what I was thinking or more on the topics

Thanks as always,