[ZDP] * ZDP Weekly NEWS *
Tom Deprez
Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be
Sat, 30 Oct 1999 17:20:01 +0200
* New Riders Publishing is interested in publishing
* IDG Books is interested in publishing
* Alexandre released his how-to drafts on the ZDP list.
Rik Hoekstra released 2 drafts
You can find them at the ZBook Status page :
* Ute proposed to be the 'middle' man as he should (his study) know this
world very well
Tom also proposed to be the 'middle' man, but there are quiet some
possible technical(?) problems.
The dutch version should be easier :-)
Also the idea of a member not close to the ZDP is proposed
* Ute is going to set up a style guide (and lot's of more interesting
information for all of us)
Several proposals go to DocBook (XML or SGML)
BUT!!! and this is a must! DRAFTS are published as plain or structured
* ZDP is about open documentation!
* We've to decide under which license ZDP will publish it's articles, ZBook:
http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/ (proposed by New Riders)
* We all agree (I think so) that every contributer to ZBook should get
his/her credits!
* Brian updated the ZDP! The net result is that http://zdp.zope.org is still
1.10.3, and
http://zdp.zope.org:8080 is 2.0.1. So now we can start to redesign ZDP!
(Somebody ideas?)
* Savvas is working on the ZDP design issues
* Tom updated the ZBook Status Page.
Members at ZDP :
* New member! eroussel@maestria.com
Ute Methner (ute@idirect.com)
Brian (?)
Rob Green (caperszope@hotmail.com)
Martijn Faassen (m.faassen@vet.uu.nl)
Kamon Ayeva: ZBook (kamon.ayeva@bureauveritas.com)
Dody Gunawinata : ZBook (dody_g@eles.com)
Rik Hoekstra : ZBook (hoekstra@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)
Alexandre Ratti : How-To's (alex@gabuzomeu.net)
Stephan Richter : ZQR (srichter@cbu.edu)
David Kankiewicz : ZQR (?)
Arts & Design:
savvas xenophontos(fiftybmg@operamail.com)
Coördinator (and reader :-)):
Tom Deprez (tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be)
Too Busy at the moment:
Simon Michael (simon@readymix.joyful.com)
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
1) Writing DRAFTS..... !!!! This is FIRST PRIORITY!
2) Choosing under which license we'll publish
3) Making, choosing a style guide... and start modeling the drafts we
already have
4) Creating some sort of status pages, in which we can write who's doing
what, ...
5) Electing the 'interface' person, or asking somebody outside to do it.
6) Designing, modeling the *new* ZDP site
7) Creating the ZDP - tool (perhaps with the money of the publishers, we can
pay DC to create a Z ZDP tool?) :-)
Now, who's going to do what? (arrgh, we need some tools at ZDP site).