[ZDP] Documentation & Zbook

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 15:07:03 +1000


> I do not want to discourage anything nor to criticize anyone. The problem
> with the ZDP initiative is that about a dozen schemes more or less like this
> were proposed and discussed, but that only Tom Deprez ever got any further.
> There have been contacts with the open source document writers group, but I
> (at least) do not know what came from that. Stephan Richter started the
> documentation project and the faq tool, but it also seems to be a bit lost
> by now.

ZDP is not well known yet. For me, let's concentrate on ZBooks and plan
for this. Then we can advertise
for more writers. Get the framework right first.

> Moreover, it is not clear what DC will contribute, what parts of the
> documentations they will not cover and what the ZDP should do.
Assume the DC will do nothing. Then we don't have to worry about waiting
from DC, and designed
ZBooks to our needs, the user.
> If I may propose anything: let's pick a scheme, divide tasks, 'appoint'
> owners for a pieces and START WRITING.

ZBook and that's it. When it runs well, we can talk again about other

First urgent task :

- Table of contents for ZBook.

> Rik
