[ZDP] Newbie question -> *.zexp files for ZDP tools..

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 18:28:03 +0200

Hi Jorgen,

... zexp format is the format in which we can export Zope Products. To
install them on your Zope site, just download them and from the products
page (of Zope), choose import and point to the downloaded file.

Regards, Tom.

At 10:20 06/04/2000 +0200, jorgen.skogstad@getronics.no wrote:
>Kindest ..
>I am getting into Zope and would like to take a look at the ZDP tools
>but I cannot get the documentation or the ZDP tools package uncompressed.
>They are publically available .. but are in zexp format .. for which I
have only
>seen a comercial uncompress engine.
>Could anyone advise me how to get further .. so I can take a look at this
>neat little project?
>Thanks in advance.
>Have a real nice day.
>Jørgen Skogstad
>ZDP maillist  -  ZDP@zope.org