[ZDP] ANNOUNCE: Zope Tutorial Preview

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:38:16 +0200

Amos Latteier wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working on an interactive Zope tutorial for new users. I'm at
> the point where I'd like some feedback.
>   http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Projects/Tutorial/
> You can download the tutorial, install it in Zope and read it online
> while you follow along in the management interface.

Amos, the example thing won't import (Zope 2.1.4, could this be the
problem). THe product shows broken images, but that's perhaps just

> The tutorial is not finished or polished, but I think that you can get a
> pretty good idea of the flavor from what's done now.

perhaps if it worked ;-)

> My plan is to expand and tune the tutorial more, and then include with
> Zope at the next major release (which will also include the online help
> system). The tutorial will be part of the standard help content and will
> be available immediately after you install Zope. (Even though the
> tutorial will ship with Zope, the tutorial content will be upgradeable
> without reinstalling Zope.)
> Thanks for your feedback!
> -Amos
> P.S. If you are interested in authoring a lesson or two let me know, I'd
> love to include it in the tutorial. It's not a large commitment, and you
> get the glory of having your stuff in the standard Zope distribution!

I would like to. Do you have a wishlist?
