[ZDP] ZDP-Tools Plans and ZDP guidelines
Maik Roeder
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 17:58:12 +0200
Hi Tom !
> Already back again? Great!
> How is school?
Thanks for asking, everything went fine, and now a new semester is starting.
Besides my studies, I will be making heavy use of the ZDP-Tools for some
other homepages I am working on, and so you can expect to see continous
> > * Topics and Subjects in Meta-Tags
> >
> > Add the topics in the HTML Meta-Tags
> >
> Sorry, don't understand, what are you going to do?
An HTML page can have META tags, where you can store information
about an html file, like the creator, date and keywords, which
are used by search engines.
> Is this so important? I don't know if this can be that easely implemented
> (ie. the classification of the mails).
> At the moment, people can always browse the mailling lists. Indeed it will
> be very handy, but I don't know if it is possible.
It is just a nice to have, so I will concentrate on other things first.
> > * Review Process
> >
> > Writers who need a Reviewer can send a mail to a Reviewer to ask for
> > reviewing. This is more personal than just setting the NeedsReviewer
> > property. Reviewers can select in what Subjects/Topics they are axpert and
> > Writers select among Reviewers when they ask a Reviewer.
> >
> mmm, what about just making a page where all the drafts are displayed which
> need a reviewer? Instead of mailing?
Can be done additionally.
> > * Complete ZDP-Tools Documentation
> >
> > The ZDP-Tools Documentation should be completed before adding new features
> > :-)
> >
> That's a task which I can do at the moment. Working on the ZDP-Tools
> documentation. Just tell me what still has to be documented. Have you read
> my doc about publishing a draft in ZBook? Something to add/change?
Your draft is already a good step to explaining the ZDP-Tools from a users
point of view. I was thinking more about the ZDP-Tools design model and
implementation. I already have some drafts published on the ZDP site, so
I think it would be great if you could take on the users point of view.
> Contributing to ZBook
> Adding a DraftSubmissionFolder
> ------------------------------
> If you add a new chapter, you also have to add a 'DraftSubmissionFolder'.
> This folder will hold all drafts concerning this chapter.
Maybe this should be automated ?
[x] automatically add a Draft Submission Folder ?
[ ] automatically add a Comments Folder ?
> In the chapter, you add a 'DraftSubmissionFolder' object. Again, a form
> will guide you through the properties which Zope asks you to fill in.
> Please, try to follow the following guideline:
> DraftSubmissionFolderID: ???
> Adding a CommentFolder
> ----------------------
> If you want people to be able to add comments, you'll have to add a
> 'CommentFolder' to this chapter.
> As the name of the class says, this folder will hold all comments for this
> chapter.
> To do so, in the chapter, add a 'CommentFolder' object. Again, a form will
> guide you through the properties which Zope asks you to fill in.
> Please, try to follow the following guideline:
> CommentFolderID: ???
> Adding a Draft
> --------------
> For adding a draft, browse to the Chapter in which the draft will reside.
> Go to the 'DraftSubmissionFolder', which should exist by now. (If not, go
> to Adding a DraftSubmissionFolder)
> In the DraftSubmissionFolder add a 'Draft' object. Again, a form will guide
> you through the properties which Zope asks you to fill in.
> Please, try to follow the following guideline:
> DraftID: ???
Can be the version:
> Tip:
> You can change the abstract of the Draft object by going to the 'DraftInfo'
> view of a Draft object.
Maybe this should go into a DTML Method called "abstract" ?
> type Shows the type of the object. In our case it can be
> a Book, Part, Chapter, DraftSubmissionFolder, CommentFolder, Draft, Comment
I am currently using this property for the different possibilities to
list the objects in a Folder. Possible values are "List_Flat", "List_short"
and "List_last_20", if these are the list views provided by the ZClass.
I am going to remove the "type" property and replace it with a list_subobjects
> category ?
Not used.
> keyword ?
Not used.
> categories ?
Introduced by David.
> contextorder ?
Used by Riks Orderer.
Maik Röder