[ZDP] ANNOUNCE: Zope Tutorial 1.0a3

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Sun, 16 Apr 2000 21:21:27 +0200

>Amos wrote:
>> I've revved the Zope Tutorial again. Now the RDBMS lesson
>> should work.
>>   http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Projects/Tutorial
>> I'd like to know if anyone has problems installing and using the
>> tutorial.
>Ugh, it's a shame that the ZDP isn't providing much feedback on this.
>ZDP crowd, do you think Amos should keep with his policy of asking you
>for comments before going to the main Zope list?

I think it's a good idea asking feedback. I have just been ill and didn't
have time to look into it in any detail (sorry). The second version of the
tutorial installed alright, and it looked quite good. I wanted to try it out
on someone at work who is starting Zope just now. Just need a little time.
But in the meantime, Amos, go ahead.

I agree with Paul's comments about reachability. I _think_ you already need
to know quite a bit about Zope to get the thing started. Couldn't you
consider a custom data.fs distributrion with the tutorial installed already
with an option with install to make this a dummy for starters in Zope? Or a
remote url (at zope.org) that walks you through to get you started?
