[ZDP] ZDP-Update

Maik.Röder roeder@berg.net
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 02:53:00 +0100

Hooray !

As you surely have already noticed ( I really like this part of
the sentence ;-) ), the following has been added to ZDP:

1. Break search results to something like 20 items on start page
2. Added some more searches to activity page:
   [Search for documents that need commenters.] 
   [Search for documents that need Approvers] 
   [Search for documents that need Maintainers] 
   [Search for documents that need Reviewers] 
   [Search for documents that need Readers] 
3. Add ZClasses for ZFAQ
   - Also added the documentation classes:
4. Start ZTutorial
5  Add a tutorial on how to extend ZDP-Tools with a FAQ

What I have not done:

1. Change Needs* properties from our special Management Interface
   This will also call a reindex (Button already exists)
2. Add breadcrumbs to activity results
   Will need to access the real objects not just the ZCatalog
3. Add guideline on adding in the constructor
   - generic
   - special (e.g. Date issue)
4. Resize Icons to one definitive size
   Pages load too long because I have not given their size explicitely
5. Add a spotlight are for projects that stand out or are new
6. Add summary search to activity 
   - 345 items changed -> link to details
   - 30 activities changed, 40 comments, 3 new drafts
7 Search by meta_type
   - Search for all comments, drafts and so on.
8. Search by author
   - also added to member page

If anyone feels inclined to help on any of these points, just
speak up.

BTW: Tom, the link buttons look good this way, but perhaps the Projects
button should even get another color ? Maybe red ? Otherwise, perhaps
the Join Us button should be blue, so everything is equally highlighted.


Maik Röder