[ZDP] Doc import fails?

Tom Neff tneff@bigfoot.com
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 20:36:21 -0500

You've got Maik!

Maik Röder wrote:
> Tom Neff wrote:
> > I installed the latest ZDP Tools (I never had any previous
> > installation of them) and they imported OK.  Then I tried
> > importing the Documentation, ZDP-Tools-Documentation-0.1.zexp,
> > and I got [an error]
> Where did you install it ?

Like the bozomoron that I am, I was still in the Products folder when I
tried importing ZDP-Tools-Documentation-0.1.zexp.  After getting Maik's
message, I went to my ordinary root folder and imported the Documentation
and it imported perfectly.  That's what I get for trying this stuff at the
end of a hectic day... :)

I strongly suggest putting some Installation Instructions into the download
pages for these packages.  There may be others out there with as few brain
cells as me.

> I would try restarting Zope before installing the docs.

That probably wasn't necessary, although I had done it anyway for
completeness's sake.  The good news was that I gave Undo a real workout and
it came through like a champ!