[ZDP] ZDP-Tools: WebSiteLinksFolder update

Maik Roeder roeder@berg.net
Mon, 03 Jan 2000 04:11:00 +0100

Hi !

> It looks nice, however, I think that we should use another header style for
> the subtitles of 'generally...', 'to our....'. They are too big now.

Yes, I noticed that as well, but had no quick solution at that time.

> Is this possible without ruin the others? ie. The title of the
> Project-folders in H1 and the subtitles in eg H2?

Thanks to the magic of templates, this is fairly easy to accomplish.

> Thus in Links we get :
> Links that may.... in H1
> ... generally in H2 or H3
> ....  to our in H2 or H3


In the WebSiteLinksFolder ZClass, I added the following:

1. Add Bottom
   <dtml-var Depth2Bottom>
2. Depth1Bottom
   <dtml-var ListWebSiteLinks>
   <dtml-var ListWebSiteLinkSectionsDepth1>
3. Depth2Bottom
   <dtml-var ListWebSiteLinks>
   <dtml-var ListWebSiteLinkSectionsDepth2>

So, the default Bottom is a depth 2 bottom, which
includes ListWebSiteLinkSectionsDepth2:

<dtml-in "objectValues(['WebSiteLinkFolder'])">
   <dtml-var HeaderDepth2>
   <dtml-var Main>
   <dtml-var ListWebSiteLinks>

Where HeaderDepth2 is:

<H2><dtml-var HeaderTitle></H2>

and not the default Header inherited from DocumentFolder:

<H1><dtml-var HeaderTitle></H1>

This basically does the trick.

