[ZDP] Returned mail: User unknown

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 05 Jan 2000 14:48:57 +0100

>>As I saw it, a reference material become an Appendix.
>Yep reference as appendix
>>To complete the picture, we have to add Howtos to Tutorials.
>>So here we go:
>>*PART I Core content (with links to other parts)
>>*PART II Tutorials, Mini-tutorials and How-tos
>>(With the possibility for some people to extend a how-to and transform it
>>in a tutorial...)
>Hummm, I see it a little bit different : 
>In ZCL5 it looks like ZDP will become ZBook. 
>I see it like this :
>ZDP contains following projects :
>ZTutorials : writing tutorials in a proposed layout (thus look is same)
>ZHow-To's : are more or like the same as ZTutorials :-), but not that
>explained and lengthly
>ZFAQ: resort for asking questions (and hoping some answers)
>ZSnippets : small information
>ZIT : installation tree
>ZQR : Quick reference
>Now, ZBook deals with making text around Zope (like a normal book) (was my
>first idea, see first 2 chapters). From ZBook we can link to interesting
>tutorials (if they are already written, if not, we first write a ZTutorial
>which then can be linked). Also when writing text around something and
>we've a howto or tutorial, we can link from ZBook to this tutorial/howto.
>When expanding ZBook, we look at the FAQ list and try to make new chapters
>from them (even if needed incorporate howtos to them).
>The ZCL is used to point out the chapters of ZBook. (thus we can see the
>ZCL as follows: a text document with links to the chapters of ZBook
>(PartI), links to ZTutorials (Part II), links to reference ...)
>If you look at this proposal, it is almost the same as you do. Only it
>keeps ZBook as a part of ZDP and not ZBook as a collection of several ZDP