[ZDP] ZCL Dicussion

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:48:16 +0100

>THere seems to be a tendency to reduce problem oriented writing to
tutorial >status, which it is not, in my view. It is essential to
_understanding_ Zope. 

ZBook chapters are for this essential -understanding-. 
>Therefore the two approaches should be bundled and not loosely linked.

I don't see it why they should be really bundled... A tutorial is mostly an
example case (ie. how to solve a certain problem, how to make
something,...), they don't explain the real basics (every function, ...),
only what certain code-blocks do.

The real explanation needs to be done in real text-basis (with small
example codes, ie. reader can see how it looks)

Per information the person can have a look at a tutorial, which displays
the code-example in a bigger context... 

Thus why not just linking? If you link it, persons only interested in the
tutorial can have a look at it too, without waisting his time to read all
basic stuff he already knows.

>If we can link from ZBook to any
>other information  (eg tutorial, How-to, ..) on ZDP, then the above is
>achieved not? 
>No, beacause there will never be a one to one relationsship between the
>architecture (component) related section and the problem oriented section.

It doesn't has to be a 1-1 relationship. It can be a 1-n relationship. 1
chapter-n tutorials.

What difference do both of you mean with a tutorial and a tutorial in ZBook
-Part II?
