[ZDP] Re: ZDP News Folders

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 20:37:19 +0100

> There is one thing that could be improved on the current news list:
> of having the first few words of the weekly ZDP "newsletter", why not
> display some kind of summary of the items discussed? Like: "Guidelines for
> product writers, ZCL progresses, Check-out the cool ZDP-Tools, bla bla
> bla". You get the idea.

mmm, I don't know about this. The Weekly News is already a summary of the
things that happened.
If we make another summary of this, I don't think we have still usefull
information at that moment.
I just showed these one-liners because it gives a clean overview of all news
updates. If they want to read a specific news update, they've to click on
the arrow at the end on the line.
