[ZDP] changes

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 12:05:06 +0100


I've changed the ListParts, ListChapters thanks to the hints of Maik. 
Here is one of source (ListChapters)

<dtml-in "objectValues(['DraftSubmissionFolder'])">
  <dtml-in "objectValues(['Draft'])" reverse>
   <dtml-if sequence-start>   
     <font color="Purple">
       <dtml-var name>
     <P><dtml-var Main>

  <dtml-in "objectValues(['Chapter'])" sort=nickname>
   <dtml-if sequence-start>
    <td width="20">
     <dtml-var nickname>
     <A HREF="<dtml-var "_[id].absolute_url()">">
      <dtml-var name>
   <dtml-if sequence-end>

Now, what it does : 

* It looks into the Chapter object.
* If there exists a DraftSubmissionFolder, it looks into this folder and
retrieves the latest draft and shows it.
* If there isn't a DraftSubmissionFolder, it shows the all subchapters.


A reader has to browse to the chapter, if their are drafts, the latest
version is displayed. If he wants to see the previous drafts, he has to
click on [drafts] (= the draftsubmissionfolder)

Future enhancements (I'll look into it, need your comments) :

1. We should make views which enables to parse several chapters/subchapters
into each other. This way a reader can ask for eg the whole part I. Part I
is then showed with one click and as one text.

2. This would also allow to easely print it. Thus we make a way to only
print the text (and not the whole ZDP layout with it)

Today, I'll post my drafts as an example.

Regards, Tom.