[ZDP] ZBook
Rik Hoekstra
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:46:50 +0100
Tom Deprez wrote:
> Hi all,
Hi Tom,
I'm a bit behind on following everything that's going on with ZDP,
because of a change of work _and_ a major pc crash at home last week. I
can't say I'm up to date with the ZDP tools.
> I added on every draft of mine a 'comments' folder, so now everybody should
> be possible to add comments to the drafts.
> Another topic :
> Omar RABHI <orabhi@online.fr> has translated the old ZBook (chapters I, II
> and now some of III) to french.
> Of course it would be great to post the french translations next to the
> english, etc..
> Is their someone who has an idea to easely incorporate this into the
> existing ZDP-tools?
In the past there have been two solutions proposed for
internationalization issues:
- use a cookie to determine what language people use.
- store the various versions in properties (for shorter messages) or in
different dtml-methods.
- change content based on a naming variety
We could also use the Chameleon product, which uses different 'skins'
for different views of a product. Don't know how it would integrate with
the zdp tools.
Either way, this will be quite a bit of work as a true
internationalization would also require that you change the zdp shell.
There is no established procedure for i18n in Zope and it is quite
tricky. Things like the Catalog will not easily integrate as yet.
The easiest way to integrate is -of course- to present the English
version as default and present buttons/links to translations as