[ZDP] Re: Stuff

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Mon, 03 Jul 2000 16:20:48 +0200


I took the freedom to send this to the zdp list as well. You don't mind,
do you]

> > more or less new to Zope. This leads me to conclude there are many
> > people running Zope who are not in the community in any way.
> A colleague of mine raised an interesting point: To many people, the
> Zope community is actually very inpenetrable as you don't know who to
> trust or believe and, of course, it's very unclear as to where you
> shoudl get docs and other information from. Maybe we should suggest this
> problem to Ethan when he returns?

Hm, never thought about this that way, but it's probably true. While
Ethan does a good job, I think this is (still) partly  a result of the
unhelpful Zope site. The troubling point is, Zope still radiates a
nerdish image and they website doesn't really open it up for interested
non-developers. The mailing list is helpful, but it's just too much. And
starting using Zope is still too difficult (as has been repeated for a
thousand times). This taken together, ZOpe has no real starting point.
This _will_ put off many people.

It is surprising then that, despite the imprenatability of the
community, there seem to be so many people using Zope anyway! 

The ZDP _should_ help this, but there site design is still not very
inviting as well (sorry Maik, no offense meant). I did some mockups for
an improved site. Don't have them here, I'll finish it tonight and then
post something. (But please, bear with me I'no graphic artist either

so much for now