[ZDP] Congratulations, nitpicking and suggestions
Maik Roeder
Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:43:26 +0100
Hi Alexandre !
> First of all, congratulations for the news ZDP site. I just had a look at
> the home page and I think it is great.
Thanks !
> I like the link items in the FAQ system, too: that's very useful to point
> new users to in-depth documentation.
I may change this a little bit, making this flat view optional and without
the links. I am having problems integrating all the management stuff into
one view, because here we could have the following Management interfaces on
one page together with all their respective services like Comments, Links
and so forth.
1. FAQ Section
2. FAQ Question
3. FAQ Answer
I think it is best to have a list of questions and when you click on the
question you see the Question plus the Answer. This default view would then
have the links to in-depth documentation, just like every other page has.
> And now, nitpicking :-) : (And suggestions).
> - On the <http://zdp.zope.org/members/teyc> page, when clicking on the
> "Chui Tey is Maintainer of ..." link, I get a long list of objets
> maintained by Maik. This isn't what I expected.
OK, I had added the Member instance for Chui Tey, so I was Maintainer of
it. I have changed this, and now it is working as expected.
> - On the <http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zfaq/faq/DTML> page, the page
> display is too wide. This will be a problem for people using low-resolution
> display.
I don't think we are using fixed Table width. Must have to do with the
<PRE> stuff.
> Also, the page doesn't print properly on A4 (standard European) paper. I
> think this is caused by the PRE formatting for code examples, which
> prevents wrapping.
Examples should be changed so that this does not occur.
> One solution is to provide a "printable page" alternate layout where the
> left-side link column isn't included.
Sure, this is needed. It should be easy to create a new Template in the
DocumentFolder ZClass and show this one when the "printable page" link
is hit. You can change this in:
Have a look at the standard Template, then create a Printing_Template,
and add a link to standard_html_footer in the root of ZDP, just like
on zope.org.
> - In the Add FAQ Question / Answers forms, have you considered adding a
> select list to pick keywords or subsection titles? This would allow to
> refine searching or to group questions in a section such as DTML.
> What I mean is that eventually many questions and answers may be related to
> say the tree tag. Providing a way to group them could turn out to be useful.
Yes sure, this would be cool. Adding this feature requires quite a few additions
to the methods, so I will add this to my Todo list.
> - I tried creating a new FAQ section. In the
> <http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zfaq/faq/manage_addProduct/DocumentFolderProdu
> ct/FAQSectionClass_factory> page, the purpose of the "FAQ Section content:"
> field was unclear to me. I expected a FAQ section to be a holder for FAQ
> Questions and Answers objects, so I couldn't see why content was needed.
> Then I realised the text appears at the beginning of the page. This could
> be explained in the Add Section form. Example: "This explanatory text will
> be displayed at the top of the section page, before questions and answers
> are listed."
I have added the following explanation:
When someone views the <dtml-var Add_what>, this text will be displayed
at the top of the <dtml-var Add_what> page.
> - Also, I goofed: I failed to provide a number in front of the FAQ Section
> name ("ZClasses") because I expected it to be automatically generated.
That would be best, but unfortunately the order problem is as of yet unresolved.
> Manual numbers do make sense because you can use them to sort the section
> titles in a natural way (so that Zope Installation is listed before Zope
> API for instance).
> You may want to specify in the Add Section form that a number is needed.
> (Or did I miss the explaination?).
I also think that when we change your entry to 10. ZClasses, it will be
displayed as number one in the list :-) I think that Zope should provide
a way to keep an order on Folder items. Perhaps you know about a solution ?
> => How can I edit this section name to correct my mistake? Can you grand me
> access?
I will send you a login and password. Then in the yellow management interface,
you can select EditInfo to change the name in the property sheet.
> - I added a FAQ Question and a FAQ Answer in the new ZClasses section. When
> adding the answer I noticed that available answers are not listed in the
> Question view (<http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zfaq/faq/ZClasses/952341720>).
> The downside is that when you are viewing a question you have no way to
> know that it has been answered already.
This is caused by my experimentation with the Flat view of ZFAQ. I will have
to change this behavior. The ZFAQ is a mess right now, but this is ok. My motto is:
First break things, then put them together in an even better shape.
> - How can I add a link ? I'd like to add a link near the answer to the
> question "What are ZClasses? (see
> <http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zfaq/faq/ZClasses>).
First, you would have to add a WebSiteLinkFolder, but anonymous users don't
have the right to do this, because we have to keep a certain naming
convention. This can change in future, when we make it possible to
add generic WebSiteLinkFolders with predefined names.
> - When answering this question I selected the "stx" format. I do think I
> created separate paragraphs in the answer. However, all the text is
> appended on the <http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zfaq/faq/ZClasses> page. Is
> the stx format implemented?
This is the code which renders text. It may need to be changed a little
bit - any suggestions ?
<dtml-if "'content' in objectIds(['DTML Method'])">
<dtml-if "content_type=='html'">
<dtml-var content>
<dtml-elif "content_type=='stx'">
<dtml-var content fmt=structured-text>
<dtml-elif "content_type=='txt'">
<dtml-var content html_quote newline_to_br>
<dtml-elif "content_type=='code'">
<dtml-var content>
<dtml-var content>
You can change it here:
> - In the Add Answer form, I suggest providing a selection list to pick the
> format (stx, html, etc.) to avoid typos.
You can change the following:
/Control_Panel/Products/DocumentFolderProduct/form_content _type
> - In the <http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zfaq/faq/ZClasses> page for
> instance, a question / answer contributor name displays as "Contributed by
> visitor AlexR (alex@gabuzomeu.net)". Instead of showing the email address
> as text, I suggest creating a link from the contributor name to save screen
> space.
The text "AlexR (alex@gabuzomeu.net)" is completely stored in the Maintainer
field. I don't know if it is good to put some HTML in there like:
"<A HREF="mailto:AlexR>alex@gabuzomeu.net</A>, but if you think this is ok,
we may change this.
You can change:
> Maďk, if my rantings make any sense, I can give you a hand to implement them.
Thanks very much for your comments ! I am happy that you want to
help with implementation !
Maik Röder