[ZDP] A Parallel Intro to Zope/Python/OO for Developers

Maik Roeder roeder@berg.net
Wed, 08 Mar 2000 19:33:47 +0100

Hi !

> >I bring this up in the hopes that you and others can determine how to best
> >work this kind of info into the scope of ZDP. I see it as a separate
> >document, but a "glue" doc -- one that contains lots of pointers into
> >existing (or soon to exist) documents, glueing Python, Zoope and persistent
> >OO together.
> >
> >What do you think?
> Hi Loren,
> Yes, sounds all needed. Unfortunately, this information can only be given
> by someone who already knows this stuff. And, thus I'm afraid thay
> we won't see this kind information that quickly.

<brainstorming modus = on>
I think we need to address this problem differently than ZBook. I would
suggest taking a _Question_ driven approach. We should first make a structure
of the problem and then just divide and conquer. Each level of the GlueBook
would be further and further split into subchapters until a level is reached
where the questions can be answered. This means we need a new format for 
this kind of stuff. Questions must be further divided into subquestions and
into subsubquestions. At the lowest question level the answers could be
given. These answers would guide people to write the GlueBook chapters,
which would reside some way further up in the hierarchy. It could be called
a general problem solving tool for stepwise refining a problem using questions
until a level is reached where a question can be answered.

Maybe it is worth creating that kind of service for ZDP ?

Any ideas ?

