[ZDP] Keywords (was Congratulations, nitpicking and suggestions)

Alexandre Ratti alex@gabuzomeu.net
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 15:02:43 +0100


At 05:41 06/03/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:43:26 +0100
>From: Maik Roeder <roeder@berg.net>
>Subject: Re: [ZDP] Congratulations, nitpicking and suggestions

>  > - In the Add FAQ Question / Answers forms, have you considered adding a
> > select list to pick keywords or subsection titles? This would allow to
> > refine searching or to group questions in a section such as DTML.
> > What I mean is that eventually many questions and answers may be related to
> > say the tree tag. Providing a way to group them could turn out to be 
> useful.
>Yes sure, this would be cool. Adding this feature requires quite a few 
>to the methods, so I will add this to my Todo list.

We need to think over how to implement this. I feel that both "subsection 
titles" and "keywords" are needed.

- Keywords are useful to improve searching from a catalog. When a user 
creates a new FAQ Question / Answer, he or she picks keywords from a 
build-in list or is allowed to all new ones.

- Section titles would be handy to build a meta-book. Here is what I mean: 
Imagine we define a global, fine-grained title/topics list. When new 
objects are created, 1 or 2 section titles are assigned to them (FAQ 
Questions and Answers, ZSnippets, etc.). This information would be stored 
in the catalog (with line properties and keyword indexes for instance).

Then we could create a special global view where:
- We loop through the topic list;
- For every topic, we display a link to matching objects (with cute icons; 
we could also sort the matches by object types so that drafts are listed 
before snippets for instance).

This would easily create a meta-book of resources sorted by topics. IMO a 
problem with the present doc is finding the relevant information. Lots of 
docs are already available but you have to browse a lot to find the 
information. Also, we would then direct new users to a structured resource 

Does it make sense?

