[ZDP] Re: Ordering objects and ZDP Tools (again)

Alexandre Ratti alex@gabuzomeu.net
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 21:07:58 +0100


I feel also that ordering is local issue. The ordering property is likely 
to be used only at a local level to sort among objects with the same type.

If and when we list several object types on the same page (eg. to create a 
book of resources, i.e. what I called a meta-book last week) we're likely 
to first sort the objects by type. Example:

- First sort by global Topic/Subject/Whatever you call it
- Then sort by object type.
- Then sort on the order property.

What I mean is that it makes more sense to display 1st draft, then howtos, 
then FAQs, then Snippets on a specific issue. First general information, 
then specifics.

If we create this kind of global resource listing we may need to find a way 
to order objects types, eg. to make sure that specific types are listed 
before others.
This also apply to a catalog seach: we could always display matching 
resources with a specific object type ordering (1st drafts if any, then 
howtos if any, etc.).



At 05:41 14/03/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 14:46:11 +0100
>From: Maik Roeder <roeder@berg.net>
>Subject: Re: [ZDP] Re: Ordering objects and ZDP Tools (again)

>If this is a desired feature, then the catalog search should take
>into account the total number of snippets/questions, and the absolute
>position of the objects.
>Say, we have
>200 Questions
>40 Snippets
>The catalog returns a Snippet on DTML and a Question on DTML
>Absolute position:
>Question: 14
>Snippet:  32
>So, in a combined list, we have the following order:
>14/200 * 100 = 7
>32/40  * 100 = 80
>This means that given a range from 0 to 100, the Question should
>be listed before the Snippet, because relative to the absolute
>position in the base set of questions, the question is at
>position 7 of 100 and the Snippet is at position 80 of 100
>relative to the absolute position in the base set of Snippets.
>This does not take into account that the Snippets and Questions
>can indeed come from different folders, which would complicate
>things, because you would have to decide the base set cardinality
>by looking at the folder from which a Snippet/Question comes
>every time instead of doing so once.


> > This said, I really do not mind adding the generic order to the Document
> > Folder class. Shall I proceed like that then?
>Just set the default value of the order property to 0. Maybe
>you should take a name of "contextorder" so it is clear that
>we are not speaking about a ranking order, difficulty order
>or quality order, which could be added later or in a different