[ZDP] Versioning
Chris Withers
Thu, 04 May 2000 12:07:42 +0100
Just a little brain dump on versioning in the hope someone will pick up on it
and we can take it somewhere useful...
I see there as being two things ZDP needs to support in terms of versioning.
One is versions of the actual documents. I don't know if a revision history is
being kept of the various ZDP documents. Does this need to be done? Probably not
just as long as the next type of versioning is done properly...
There is however, a need to support change and it's control.
I would propose the following. Each document has an owner. He is the only one
who can modify the actual document. However, at the bottom of each document
there should be an option to add a comment/correction, kindof like a 'diff' or
'patch' to the document. These would accumulate against the document (objects
with the document as parent? should these be publicly visible? maye email the
paeg owner?) until the owner either deleted them or applied them.
Two is associating documents with versions of Zope. I favour the way the Java
API used to be documented. For each document you have a range of Zope versions
to which it applies.
For example:
doc-The Interface for __init__.py
version1 - applies to 1.0-1.10.9
version2 - applies to 2.0-2.1.6
It's important to only apply it to versions where you know the document is
correct. So, yes, there could be versions which have no documentation...
It'd be nice if you could specify your Zope version on login and haev the system
show you the most appropriate document available.
Sorry if this has been discussed already, but I'm new to this ZDP thing.
Let me know if it makes sense/is possible/needs work/etc