[ZDP] Portals
Rik Hoekstra
Sun, 7 May 2000 22:51:19 +0200
[Been away for one (1) week and have to catch up with all sorts of Portals,
new layout etcetcetc. ZDP seems to be catching on ... ;-)]
>Another brain dump...
>This time on ideas for the Portal Structure:
>+ - Introduction (newbies, evaluators, the like)
>+ - Users
>| |
>| + - DTML (stuff at the management interface level)
+ - Using Zope (guides per component, ZBook, Tutorials). Basic stuff
(hm this should probably be first. But DTML should go separate).
>| |
>| + - ZClasses (stuff for people who develop ZClass-based products)
>+ - Developers
>| |
>| + - Products (APIs, etc, for people who develop Python Products)
>| |
>| + - Application ( stuff for people actually developing Zope itself)
>+ - SIGs
> |
> + - PTK
> |
> + - ZODB (storage discussions and the like)
> |
> + - SQL/RDBS
> |
> + - High Availability
>That's what the levels of Zope feel like to me. ZClasses and their ilk are
>tricky 'cos I'm not sure whether they belong under users or developers.
Definitely Developers, I'd say. Developing Products should have subsections
(and a general design section)
> Maybe
>they need to be in both portals?
Nope. I tend to think ZClasses are too difficult for Users (but who are
users? And is ZOpe meant for them)