[ZDP] New Site Design
Chris Withers
Mon, 08 May 2000 15:18:23 +0100
> That's what I wanted to express. You can emulate the ZCL with the Meta Book.
Cool, one less thing to maintain then... :-)
> Knowledge must be captured in the Portal so that it is no more necessary
> to have the link at hand. This can happen by writing summaries of articles
> and chapters for a book, or how-tos or whatever.
> Another point is that for some articles we don't get the right to copy it,
> and it would also not be possible to store all interesting articles on ZDP anyway.
True... I guess my idea would be to link to it and then assign it as
something that needs to be written about. When the ZDP document is done,
the link can be kept but no longer matters...
> You may not have noticed it, but indeed when you click on a Topic, the ZDP
> is searched in the background. Alas, not everything is found, simply because
> not everything has been meta-tagged.
Hmm, cool :-)
> DC should work openly with us as it is envisioned in the Zope Documentation
> Plan. This also included them getting their own Portals/Subjects/Topics which
> they can host. Other Portals/Subjects/Topics can be hosted by community members.
I had an email from Amos a while back saying he would be happy for ZDP
to be the primary source for Zope documentation. I guess that's a good
sign :-)
> > Urm, does this mean I still need to go and add the task? If so, is
> > /projects/zdptools/tasks/ the right place?
> Yes, and yes.
More points while I'm here:
The interface on ZDP still needs a LOT of work. Particularly when I'm
logged in, there are links all over the place and the content is too
spaced out to be very readable. Which is bad in documentation ;-)
I've already said the key to making ZDP work is to get it to be the
primary source for documentation. For this to happen it has to be easy
and friendly to use, which currently it isn't. Documentation is one of
the few things that really does need to be legible and easy to read and
nicely formatted for it to be useful. Otherwise people will stick to
what they're doing now...
which brings me to the second point:
I'd love to help in making this happen but ZDP is just too daunting:
There are loads of classes and I wouldn't have a clue about where I
should try to change stuff.
Now, ideally, ZDP should be simple and self documenting. If it's obvious
to use and maintain, then chances are that even the newest newbie out
there will be able to use it, and add to it as they learn things.
Either ZDP needs to be 'sorted' to make this happen, or it needs to be
documented itself. But would we need documentation to understand that
documentation? ;-)
More of my limited bank balance of $0.02's ;-)