[ZDP] Itamar's Draft
Tom Deprez
Tue, 09 May 2000 18:44:22 +0200
At 18:36 09/05/2000 +0200, Maik Roeder wrote:
>Hi Tom !
>> Wouldn't it be better to put Itamar's Draft in the FAQ list? ie. we split
>> up the draft?
>> FAQ1 Backing up Zope
>> FAQ2 Killing Zope
>> FAQ3 Starting Zope
>> FAQ4 Packing Zope database
>> FAQ5 Moving Zope around
>As you can see here, it is hard to always update the document hierarchy.
>It is much easier to shift Subjects and Topics around, and have the
>documents stay in one place, perhaps the member folder. I think I
>have finally understood why the PTK has done it this way.
Can't quite follow.
1. Itamar is not a member yet, so he/she (sorry about the fact that I'm not
really sure!) hasn't got a member folder.
2. The document that Itamar has written are really FAQ, so I think it's
better to put them in the FAQ. The FAQ don't have to be changed very often.
I just want to add them to the FAQ, but I can't (see prev. messages).