[ZDP] Add Comments, Links and Drafts
Christian Scholz
Wed, 10 May 2000 02:31:17 +0200
> Hi everyone !
> Now Anonymous can add comments links and drafts to Topics.
Hey, I added something ;-)
(Actually it was not that clear to me what e.g. Link content actually
is. After adding I know it. I just wonder if it's needed ;-)
Maybe there should also be an explanation when adding drafts etc.
what actually a draft/link/comment is.
Another advantage of being able to add things is now that one knows
what actually could be there even if nothing is there yet.. :)
So actually a big improvement..
BTW, people know HTML and plain text but maybe not Structured text
(even I don't know right now what is meant by it..). So maybe this
should also be explained..
well, good night for now..
-- christian