[ZDP] Web Developer Portal
Tom Deprez
Wed, 10 May 2000 17:00:57 +0200
Little typo, instead of
http://zdp.zope.org/portals/webdesigner/style/css which gives a zope error.
you've to go to :
At 16:22 10/05/2000 +0100, Maik Roeder wrote:
>Hi !
>I have created a new portal for Web-Developers on
>zdp.zope.org. Here all issues concerning Zope and Web-Design
>can be discussed. The only Subject right now is Style, and
>the Topic is CSS.
>We had a discussion on CSS on this list lately, and I didn't want
>to loose the best pieces of information, but rather share them
>with the community.
>For this I have used Chris Withers' link to the Master Compatibility Chart
>on webreview.com, and Stephan Richters' precise statements on why
>CSS is so great ;-)
>Although I am not going to learn about CSS right now, I think
>it is good to have a knowledge repository for later reference.
>Maik Röder
>ZDP maillist - ZDP@zope.org