[ZDP] How to add content to the ZDP

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 10 May 2000 18:50:43 +0200

>> Ok. So, ZDP will allow to add questions and drafts by visitors. Where can
>> they add these question and drafts as visitor? In which folder, ...? As
>> soon as I have this information, I'll write a guideline on this.
>In the Topics.

Mmm, so now the portal will contain content (eg a question, draft)? I
thought we weren't going to do this (cfr adding Itamars draft inside the

>> Can I assume this?:  A visitor searches for a spesific topic through the
>> Portal. It doesn't find the information he needs. There is a link to a form
>> which allows him to put a question on this. The question is added into a
>> certain folder specific for asked questions. 
>The question is added to the Topic.
>> Now contributers, visitors can look at the question and write a draft? 
>Yes. you can sum up a whole discussion using the links, comments,
>drafts and so on by the other people.
>> (a look at www.experts-exchange.com would give great information for
>> implementation into Zope
>They are only providing Portals, Subjects and Topics, but information
>is stored nowhere, so the same discussions will come up on and on.
>At the ZDP site, members collect only the finest content, and integrate
>it in quality information. This allows for constant peer review.

Nope, all discussions are stored in a database, which then can be searched
for information. Which returns the whole thread.

>>, yes, I know, sorry that I again refer to this
>> link. But it is the ideal site and tool to do such things. 
>No. I think expert-exchange has too much short-term information.

See above. All Information is stored, comments, questions, answers...

>> A visitor wants to add a draft. What does he has to do now? Where can he go
>> to to add the draft?
>He goes to the Topic.

See confusion above.

>Maik Röder
>ZDP maillist  -  ZDP@zope.org