[ZDP] Some remarks about the portal design(s)
Maik Roeder
Wed, 10 May 2000 19:28:04 +0100
Hi Chris !
> Plans for the future:
> 1. start analysing what people are searching for to highlight document
> deficiencies (and yes I want to feed this back to ZDP! ;-)
I have been watching the search terms on the ZDP site for quite
some time now, and I am really aware of what people are looking for.
I am getting one Email per search term, and so I tried organizing
them in my Mail Reader in some folders. This way I got a hierarchy
of topics, for which I simply created subjects. The result can
be seen at zdp.zope.org, only separated by community ;-)
I guess this this has been some sort of micro brainstorming from
the Zope community, and I sometimes felt like people were continually
whistling abstruse words like "PTK" and "__ac_whatnot__" in my ears ;-)
> 2. move the archives to a Zope based solution. This is really low
> priority though. It's a pain to make changes to them, but they do work
> on the whole. They're based on proven high-volume archiving and
> searching technology (Lotus Notes) and, although it would be fun to try,
> I haven't got the time or confidence to move it all into a ZODB and use
> a ZCatalog. Hopefully someone at DC is going to send me some copies of
> the CDs which were done with the list archives on them and then maybe
> I'll see...
Do you have an idea how you can integrate searching technology like
htdig in Zope ? Has anybody tried/succeeded at it? I guess we need a
new Subject: "Search Engine Integration" in the "Developers" portal :-)
Maik Röder