[ZDP] Re: [Zope] The agony of the ZOPE Documentation
Jason Cunliffe
Jason Cunliffe" <jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Wed, 24 May 2000 16:41:52 -0400
> I reckon there's about 25 man weeks of work to do based on 5 people
> spending:
> -1 week to build the tools
> -1 week to plan the structure of the documentation
> -3 weeks to get ALL the Zope documentation linked in one place (which is
> what zdp is supposed to be...)
> So, has anyone got the cash? ;-)
Well I have asked a few times before, before but never a reply.. so I will
ask again:
How much would it cost? (U$?)
How many people on these lists are willing to contribute some money towards
the zdp work?
I am. I buy books and magazines all the time - do you? How much do you spend
over, say, 3 months on printed matter?
How much would it worth over the next 3 months X how many people to move
this work along significantly?
Perhaps you have no time but some money..
I am not saying that money is the magic answer - clearly ZDP needs
intelligent dedicated contribution and feedback.
But there does appear to be some basic work to be done and not enough humna
resources to go round. And money might really help out here...
It seems like rather a catch-22 [or is that a zope-22] : until the docs are
in better shape, it is so much harder for more people to contribute usefully
because it is so easy to get lost again..
Perhaps someone with better dtml skills than I can make a little mini
priceline.com app for zdp..
Everyone/Anyone wishing to contribute something towards documentation logs
on and enters the amount:
instant tally shows total potential sponsorship with column for
person-hours/days at rate. Instead of a well intentioned message thread
which will be rapidly drownded in a sea of DTML minutuae, we can have
visible target + 'potential' zdp attractor
When we hit a 'u$eful 'threshold - $ponsors kick in with their actual
contrib. and zdp advances.
Perhaps you have a better crazier idea..I hope so:-)
Meanwhile, some fascinating and surreal reading:
Interview with Jay Walker
my $0.25
- Jason