[ZDP] Documentation in text form?

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Wed, 24 May 2000 22:36:04 +0200

AHA!  This url here:
http://www.zope.org/Members/AlexR/all_howtos_date?pp=1 will work
nicely! I can mirror just that page and it's links, and then diddle
with the html files I get back.  Perfect!  Got any more like this for
the tips and/or documentation?

[rh]Hm, let's see. Maik just announced the script for the tips. On the zdp
site there are the FAQ (also on one page), the ZQR (Zope Quick Reference) on
one page if you want it (all linked on the frontpage. On the main Zope site
there are the three main Zope guides linked from the Documentation page and
packed in several formats.

This is about 7 'damn urls' for getting several hundreds of pages of
documentation, which you can index on your own.

So what is left out:
ZBook (which is nowhere near finished) at the ZDP site. You can use it  and
there is useful stuff in it but it's a work in progress, so don't expect
ZSnippets, which are in a bunch of pages (but I'll make them into one page)

I agree much could be improved, but the situation is not that bad. Any help
appreciated (this is Open Source, remember)
