[ZDP] Re: [Zope] The agony of the ZOPE Documentation

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Mon, 29 May 2000 16:57:23 +0200

Chris Withers wrote:

> My views...
> Zope.org is very out of date now. I think ZDP is actually closer to what
> Zope.org should be, but the implementaion sucks.
> What 'The Zope Portal' should have:
> -Members section/portal, as it currently is.
> -Products section/portal, as it is. how do we integrate docs from these?
> -The new portals from the ZDP (these are pretty much correct, I think)
> so people can get to all the stuff relevant to them (particularly
> newbies) quickly and easily.

See, I like the portals approach. My problem is that many areas of the
ZDP portals are blank, despite the fact that documentation does exist
(for example, installation has no info about installing in linux,
despite the installation tutorial on zope.org).

How can we automagically propogate things to ZDP from zope.org and

[rh]What about RSS for a start? And a ZClient/XML-RPC thingie later on (ah,
I saw that was in the original post later on). And what about complete and
utter absorption of the ZDP site by zope.org. At least this should be
discussed, now that Ethan is starting to integrate things. I'm getting
convinced these separate paths lead
nowhere than into confusion...
