[ZDP] BackTalk to Document The Zope Book (2.6 Edition)/Installing and Starting Zope

webmaster at zope.org webmaster at zope.org
Sun Dec 7 07:51:53 EST 2003

A comment to the paragraph below was recently added via http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/InstallingZope.stx#2-40


    To set an OS environment variable under UNIX in the 'bash' shell,
    use the "export" command e.g. 'export
    EVENT_LOG_FILE=/home/chrism/Zope/var/event.log'.  To set an OS
    environment variable under Windows NT/2000, use the Control Panel
    -> System applet or use the DOS-mode "set" command e.g. 'set
    EVENT_LOG_FILE=c:\chrism\Zope\var\event.log'.  The "set" command
    can also be used in Windows 98/ME.  Below are the environment
    variables that effect Zope runtime behavior, inlcluding
    descriptions of each::

      Zope library paths


              Effects the library load path used by Python.  See "The
              Python Tutorial Modules
              for more information about PYTHONPATH.


              If an INSTANCE_HOME is defined and has a 'lib/python' sub
              directory, it will be added to the front of the PYTHONPATH.
              INSTANCE_HOME is usually used to separate the Zope core
              installation from application code and third-party

              See also: SOFTWARE_HOME


              The SOFTWARE_HOME usually keeps the directory name of the 
              Zope core installation.

              See also: INSTANCE_HOME


              ZOPE_HOME is the root of the Zope software, where the
              ZServer package, z2.py, and the default import directory
              may be found.



              If set, Zope is forced profile every request of the
              ZPublisher.  The profiling information is written to the
              value of the PROFILE_PUBLISHER.

      Access Rules and Site Roots


              If set, all SiteRoot behaviors are suppressed.


              If set, all access rules behaviors are suppressed.



              CLIENT_HOME allows ZEO clients to easily keep distinct
              pid and log files. This is currently an *experimental*


              If you want a persistent client cache which retains
              cache contents across ClientStorage restarts, you need
              to define the environment variable, ZEO_CLIENT, to a
              unique name for the client.  This is needed so that
              unique cache name files can be computed.  Otherwise, the
              client cache is stored in temporary files which are
              removed when the ClientStorage shuts down.

      Debugging and Logging


              Set this variable if you like to customize the output
              format of Zope event logger.  EVENT_LOG_FORMAT is the
              preferred envvar but STUPID_LOG_FORMAT also works.

          EVENT_LOG_FILE="path" or STUPID_LOG_FILE="path"

              The event file logger writes Zope logging information to a file.
              It is not very smart about it - it just dumps it to a file and the
              format is not very configurable - hence the name STUPID_LOG_FILE.
              EVENT_LOG_FILE is the preferred envvar but STUPID_LOG_FILE
              also works.

              See also: LOGGING.txt in top-level Zope "doc" directory. 

          EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY <number> or STUPID_LOG_SEVERITY <number>

              If set, Zope logs only messages whose severity is level is
              higher than the specified one.  EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY is the
              preferred envvar but STUPID_LOG_SEVERITY also works.


              Setting this environment variable will cause Zope to try
              and write the event log to the named UNIX domain socket
              (usually '/dev/log').  This will only work on UNIX.

              See also: LOGGING.txt


              Setting this environment variable will cause Zope to use
              the syslog logger with the given facility. This
              environment variable is optional and overrides the
              default facility "user". This will only work on UNIX.

              See also: LOGGING.txt in top-level Zope "doc" directory. 


              Setting this environment variable tells Zope to connect
              a UDP socket to machine.name (which can be a name or IP
              address) and 'port' which must be an integer.  The
              default syslogd port is '514' but Zope does not pick a
              sane default, you must specify a port.  This may change,
              so check back here in future Zope releases.

              See also: LOGGING.txt in top-level Zope "doc" directory. 


              controlling the sending of access information to syslog
              (rather than controlling the sending of the event log)

          Z_DEBUG_MODE      "yes" or "no"
          BOBO_DEBUG_MODE   "yes" or "no"  (obsolete)

              Run Zope in "debug mode" if set. Same as -D option
              to 'z2.py' or 'start'.


          Z_REALM       "your realm"
          BOBO_REALM    "your realm" (obsolete)

              Realm to be used when send HTTP authentication requests
              to a web client. The real string is displayed when the
              web browser pops up the username/password requester

      Security related 


              If this variable is set to "PYTHON", Zope will use the
              traditional Python based AccessControl
              implementation. By default and for performance reasons
              Zope will use the cAccessControl module.


              If set, will cause the Zope Security Policy to skip
              checks relating to ownership, for servers on which
              ownership is not important.


              If set, will cause the Zope Security Policy to skip
              checks relating to authentication, for servers which
              serve only anonymous content.


              Set this variable to one of 'no', '0' or 'disabled' to
              disable autoquoting of implicitly retrieved REQUEST data
              that contain a '<' when used in a dtml-var
              construction. When *not* set to one of these values, all
              data implicitly taken from the REQUEST (as oposed to
              addressing REQUEST.varname directly), that contain a
              '<', will be HTML quoted when interpolated with a
              <dtml-var> or &dtml-; construct.

      ZODB related


              If this variable is set, it should be set to an integer
              number of bytes.  Additions to the database are not
              allowed if the database size exceeds the quota.


              If this variable is set, then the database is opened in
              read only mode.  If this variable is set to a string
              parsable by DateTime.DateTime, then the database is
              opened read-only as of the time given.  Note that
              changes made by another process after the database has
              been opened are not visible.

      Session related


              An optional full Zope path name of a callable object to
              be set as the "script to call on object addition" of the
              session_data transient object container created in
              temp_folder at startup.


              An optional full Zope path name of a callable object to
              be set as the "script to call on object deletion" of the
              session_data transient object container created in
              temp_folder at startup.


              The number of minutes to be used as the "data object
              timeout" of the "/temp_folder/session_data" transient
              object container.


              The number of items to use as a "maximum number of
              subobjects" value of the "/temp_folder" session data
              transient object container.



              Setting this variable enables the retrieval of the
              document source through the standard HTTP port instead
              of the WebDAV port. The value of this variable is a
              regular expression that is matched against the
              user-agent string of the client.


                  WEBDAV_SOURCE_PORT_CLIENTS="cadaver.*"   enables retrieval
                  of the document source for the Cadaver WebDAV client                

      Structured Text


             Set this variable to change the default level for <Hx>
             elements.  The default level is 3.



              This variable allows you to customize the size of the
              Zope stack used by the SecurityManager (default 100).

      % Anonymous User - Dec. 7, 2003 7:51 am:
       Under Zope 2.7, none of these environment variables are used. Instead, use the equivalent settings in the
       zope.conf file.

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