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Julie Scott
Julie Scott <julie_scott@wizsystems.com>
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:22:01 +0800 (CST)
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Starter Package - Special Offer!
We Make it Easy for You to Get an Online Presence
- Get started with your own private website...
- Share your photos with family and friends online...
- Or get your home business online...
...at only $8.25 per month it is Affordable too!
Click at
to sign up now!
WizSystems Starter Package gives you the best value for your money!
- WizSystems Starter Package sets the gold standard for low-cost, high
performance hosting packages.
- Easy to configure and get started.
- 50 MB storage, 3GB monthly bandwidth and super fast Internet connection!
- Online site management tool gives you the flexibility to control your
- Unlimited POP3 email accounts and personal SMTP mail server
- CGI Bin, PHP, mSQL / MySQL database and FrontPage 2002 support
- Great for beginners, personal and hobby website as well as small
business websites.
Best regards
Julie Scott
WizSystems Sales Support
Email: julie_scott@wizsystems.com
This offer is brought to you by WizSystems. We respect your privacy.
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<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="98%">
<TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/hidden.gif" width="1" height="3"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="magenta">We Make it Easy for You to Get an Online Presence...</TD>
<TD WIDTH="4%" VALIGN="TOP"><IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/v3_icn_starpink.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="96%">Get started with your own private website…</TD>
<TD WIDTH="4%" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT="20"><IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/v3_icn_starpink.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="96%" HEIGHT="20">Share your photos with family and friends online…</TD>
<TD WIDTH="4%" VALIGN="TOP"><IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/v3_icn_starpink.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="96%">Or get your home business online…</TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="black">
<P><B>... at only </B><FONT size="3"><B><FONT color="#EC008C" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="+2">$8.25</FONT></B></FONT><B>
per month it is affordable too!</B></P>
<TD WIDTH="4%"> </TD>
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<TD><A href="http://p1j2m3a4.pdhost.com/pdsvr/www/r?1000021355.1211.3.OFEMTtAnJeAGSp"><IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/v3_btn_signupnow.gif" width="120" height="45" border="0"></A> </TD>
<TD><A href="http://p1j2m3a4.pdhost.com/pdsvr/www/r?1000021355.1211.5.gkXCwc7FodHxs$" class="olink"><B>More Info!</B></A></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="black"><B>WizSystems Starter Package gives you<BR>
the best value for your money!</B></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"><IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/v3_slide03.jpg" alt="" width="149" height="104" border="0"></TD>
<LI>WizSystems Starter Package sets the gold standard for low-cost, high performance hosting packages.</LI>
<LI>Easy to configure and get started.</LI>
<LI>50 MB storage, 3GB monthly bandwidth and super fast Internet connection! </LI>
<LI>Online site management tool gives you the flexibility to control your site.</LI>
<LI>Unlimited POP3 email accounts and personal SMTP mail server.</LI>
<LI>CGI Bin, PHP, mSQL / MySQL database and FrontPage 2002 support.</LI>
<LI>Great for beginners, personal and hobby website as well as small business websites.</LI>
<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="98%">
<TD WIDTH="4%" HEIGHT="121"> </TD>
<TD WIDTH="96%">
<P>Best regards<BR>
<IMG src="http://www.wizsystems.com/img/juliescott.gif" alt="Julie Scott" width="135" height="48" border="0"><BR>
Julie Scott<BR>
WizSystems Sales Support<BR>
Email: julie_scott@wizsystems.com<BR>
<A href="http://p1j2m3a4.pdhost.com/pdsvr/www/r?1000021355.1211.7.A0kWxXgzVD6kmw" class="elink">http://www.wizsystems.com</A></P>
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<P>This offer is brought to you by WizSystems. We respect your privacy.<BR>
If you do not wish to receive future mailings from us, please <A HREF="http://p1j2m3a4.pdhost.com/pdsvr/www/r?1000021355.1211.1.tDxI8ZP4phYBwY"><FONT COLOR="#666666">follow these instructions</FONT></A> to opt-out.<BR> </P>
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