[ZDP] BackTalk to Document Zope Developer's Guide (2.4 edition)/Testing and Debugging
Thu, 08 May 2003 07:00:07 -0400
A comment to the paragraph below was recently added via http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZDG/current/TestingAndDebugging.stx#3-6
To turn on product refresh capabilities place a 'refresh.txt'
file in your product's directory. Then visit the *Refresh* view
of your product in the management interface. Here you can
manually reload your product's modules with the *Refresh this
product* button. This allows you to immediately see the effect
of your changes, without restarting Zope. You can also turn on
automatic refreshing which causes Zope to frequently check for
changes to your modules and refresh your product when it detects
that your files have changed. Since automatic refresh causes
Zope to run more slowly, it is a good idea to only turn it on
for a few products at a time.
% Anonymous User - Nov. 16, 2002 4:04 am:
Does refresh.txt require any content, or is just the presence of the file enough to work the 'magic'?
% Anonymous User - Nov. 16, 2002 4:04 am:
And just how do you turn on (and off) automatic refreshing?
% Anonymous User - Nov. 28, 2002 11:39 am:
I just found the answer to your question here:
It must be an empty file. Anyway, I agree that they should be more specific. About your second question, I
also don't have any idea about how does it work.
% Anonymous User - Nov. 30, 2002 1:36 pm:
Doesn't work for me (Zope 2.5.1) using the Poll Product from the earlier in the book. Neither explicit
refreshes of the product nor the refresh.txt mechanism appear to reload changed code. I need to restart zope
before changes take effect.
% Anonymous User - Jan. 28, 2003 2:59 am:
I also have to restart Zope before changes take effect. (2.6.0)
% to_be - May 8, 2003 7:00 am:
An empty refresh.txt is sufficient, but if there is text in it, this will be displayed as 'Important
information about refreshing this product' (Zope 2.6.1)